Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Siguaw, Singletary and Shoemaker families

This is what happens when we spent too much time on a sailboat - Maria is working on an addition to our house. I want to put a cannon in the turret!

S/Y Aspen – December 23, 2011 – Log #79
Aspen Position: 36 degrees 51’ N 028 degrees 16’ E (UTC +3 Hours)
Steve and Maria Position: Pine, Colorado USA 39 degrees 29' N 105 degrees 23 min W (UTC -7 Hours)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our friends and family!

May 2012 be a safe and prosperous year.

We will return to Turkey in March to sail Aspen once again so keep checking this blog for the latest on our travels!

Sail on, sail on and sail safe, Aspen