Monday, March 7, 2011

Salalah, Oman - Sand, Sand and More Sand!

Desert headress for the captain

Incense trader in the souk (market)

Old Testament - Job's tomb

Job's tomb

Buying Frankincense

Frankincense trees in the desert

Fishing boats - Dhows

Ancient ruins of Sumhuram

Cave at Sumhuram

Ancient graves

Camel crossing sign on the road

Camels, camels everywhere!

S/Y Aspen – March 5, 2011 – Log #69
Position: 16 degrees 56’ N 054 degrees 00’ E (UTC +4 Hours)

We are safely anchored inside the secure port area in Salalah, the second largest city in Oman. Oman is a western friendly Sultanate ruled by a Sultan of course. The country is prosperous because of their oil and gas fields so unrest is at a minimum here.

Of course after we arrived here there were demonstrations in the northern part of the country because of all the unrest in Egypt, Libya and throughout the rest of the Arab nations!

But for now all of the protests in Oman seems minor and we should be fine.

Sail on, sail on and sail safe Aspen…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria & Steve, Just a quick message, glad you are both safe and well! We follow your blog with interest, sad to hear of your extended stay in Oman but I'm sure you will be in the Med' before too long. Please enjoy Greece for us - you will love it! We have settled into life in New Zealand. We miss Ted and Honalee, and we'll never forget our trip across the Pacific - such an adventure.

    Keep Safe!
    Kind Regards
    Sharon & Nigel (ex Honalee)
    PS Norman & Sarah from Norsa came to visit us, as did Bill & Sue from Cammomile, we hope to sail with them next year at some point.
