Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ch Ch Change

Always out on the water it seems!

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

Maria and Deb enjoying a glass of wine in Aspen - where else of course!

 The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

 Captain Steve after riding 245 miles in 22 hours on a bike (not running this time)

The captain and grandson Tim (he's a natural sailor of course!)

 Four generations of Siguaws out on the water

 What a nice family!
Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?

 The family in Florida

 She's just a Georgia peach on Jekyll Island, Georgia

Where we have been and where we are now (look to the west!)

It is time for a ch ch change, once again…

We spent the winter and half of this summer not only working but also having fun and interesting times on some driving trips.  After a great family reunion on Captiva Island, FL, we went to Norfolk, Virginia and attended the pirate trail for the 3 last pirates (the shooters) involved with the sailboat Quest piracy in the Indian Ocean.  We continued across the great southern states going as far west as Arizona before spending most of our time in beautiful Colorado where we had so much fun with friends and family. 

We also spent a lot of time getting in shape for the long journey ahead.  Maria's 2 hour hikes at 8,200 feet and my running and also biking the Double Triple Bypass (instead of running Leadville because we won't be here for that) will hopefully help us on our journey.  It is time!

Aspen's crew are headed back to Turkey to sail out on the big waters that flow around this lovely planet.  We will put Aspen back in the water and point our bow west, toward the setting sun.  This year we plan to be in St. Lucia in the Caribbean for Christmas!

Woa, that is a lot of water between Turkey and the Caribbean!! 

Our itinerary is to sail through Turkey, Greece again, then Italy, the little islands between Italy and Spain, Spain, Gibraltar, out into the Atlantic Ocean and then stage in the Canary Islands where we will join the ARC group of sailboats to sail across to our beloved Caribbean where we will finish our circumnavigation of the globe on Aspen.  Just the 2 of us as we have done so far on our grand adventure!

We will sail the Columbus route to the Caribbean - with Maria's Italian heritage she should know the way, right?!?  Yes we will leave the Canaries AFTER hurricane season, at the end of November and before Thanksgiving. 

You can even track our slow progress across the Atlantic by going to http://www.worldcruising.com/arc/event.aspx when we leave if you are interested.  Just click on Fleet Viewer and you can find a boat called Aspen somewhere out on the big big blue Atlantic Ocean.

So when you see the setting sun remember that Aspen and her crew are out bobbing along looking at the same orange glow somewhere out there too.

Sail on, sail on and sail safe Aspen…

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